While performing an exp/imp operation , i got IMP-00010 while importing the dumps .On googling i found that this error occur generally due to two reasons .
1.) File Corrupted During Transfer.
Note : FTP should be done in BINARY MODE
2.) When export dump file is higher version and import in lower version.
e.g; exp dump file is Oracle 10g and import in Oracle 9i
Export From <----> Import to <----> Use Import/Export Utility
Version : <-----> <----->
Version : <-----> 9.2 <-----> 9.2
Version : <-----> 9.0.1 <-----> 9.0.1
Note : Suppose we want to import export dump file in 9.2.0 then we must use 9.2.0 export tools for export data from and run CATEXP.SQL script which is located in Located : $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin
Consider an example : Dumpfile exported in Oracle 11gr1 and has to be Imported in 10gr1, 9i. Then use Oracle 11gr1 client (IMPORT) binary to export 11g dumpfile. Install oracle 11g client and connect to 10g,9i,8i server and import .
Enjoy :-)