Data Guard protection modes are simply a set of rules that the primary database must adhere to when running in a Data Guard configuration. A protection mode is only set on the primary database and defines the way Oracle Data Guard will maximize a Data Guard configuration for performance, availability, or protection in order to achieve the maximum amount of allowed data loss that can occur when the primary database or site fails
A Data Guard configuration will always run in one of the three protection modes listed above. Each of the three modes provide a high degree of data protection; however they differ with regards to data availability and performance of the primary database. When selecting a protection mode, always consider the one that best meets the needs of your business. Carefully take into account the need to protect the data against any loss vs. availability and performance expectations of the primary database
Data Guard can support multiple standby databases in a single configuration, they may or may not have the same protection mode settings depending on our requirements. The protection modes are
1.) Maximum Performance
2.) Maximum Availability
3.) Maximum Protection
1.) Maximum Performance : This is the default mode, we get the highest performance but the lowest protection. This mode requires ASYNC redo transport so that the LGWR process never waits for acknowledgment from the standby database for maximum performance.How much data we lose depends on the redo rate and how well our network can handle the amount of redo also known as transport lag. Even if we have a zero lag time we still will lose some data at fail-over time .
We can have up to 9 physical standby database in oracle 10g and 30 in oracle 11g and we will use the Asynchronous transport (ASYNC) with no affirmation of the standby I/O (NOAFFIRM). We can use this anywhere in the world but bear in mind the network latency and making sure it can support our redo rate .While it is not mandatory to have standby redo logs (SRL) in this mode, it is advise to do so. The SRL files need to be the same size as the online redo log files (ORL) .
The following table describes the attributes that should be defined for the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n initialization parameter for the standby database destination to participate in Maximum Performance mode.
For example
: log_archive_dest_2='service=res ARCH NOAFFIRM' or
og_archive_dest_2='service=red LGWR ASYNC NOAFFIRM'
2.) Maximum Availability : Its first priority is to be available and its second priority is zero loss protection, thus it requires the SYNC redo transport. This is the middle middle of the range, it offers maximum protection but not at the expense of causing problems with the primary database. However we must remember that it is possible to lose data, if our network was out for a period of time and the standby has not had a chance to re-synchronize and the primary went down then there will be data loss.
Again we can have up to 9 physical standby database in oracle 10g and 30 in oracle 11g and we will use Synchronous transport (SYNC) with affirmation of the standby I/O (AFFIRM) and SRL files. In the event that the standby server is unavailable the primary will wait the specified time in the NET_TIMEOUT parameter before giving up on the standby server and allowing the primary to continue to process. Once the connection has been re-established the primary will automatically resynchronize the standby database.
When the NET_TIMEOUT expires the LGWR process disconnects from the LNS process, acknowledges the commit and proceeds without the standby, processing continues until the current ORL is complete and the LGWR cycles into a new ORL, a new LNS process is started and an attempt to connect to the standby server is made, if it succeeds the new ORL is sent as normal, if not then LGWR disconnects again until the next log switch, the whole process keeps repeating at every log switch, hopefully the standby database will become available at some point in time. Also in the background if we remember if any archive logs have been created during this time the ARCH process will continually ping the standby database waiting until it come online.
We might have noticed there is a potential loss of data if the primary goes down and the standby database has also been down for a period of time and here has been no resynchronization, this is similar to Maximum Performance but we do give the standby server a chance to respond using the timeout. The minimum requirements are described in the following table :
For example : log_archive_dest_2='services=red LGWR SYNC AFFIRM
3.) Maximum Protection : This offers the maximum protection even at the expense of the primary database, there is no data loss. This mode uses the SYNC redo transport and the primary will not issue a commit acknowledgment to the application unless it receives an acknowledgment from at least one standby database, basically the primary will stall and eventually abort preventing any unprotected commits from occurring. This guarantees complete data protection, in this setup it is advised to have two separate standby databases at different locations with no Single Point Of Failures (SPOF's), they should not use the same network infrastructure as this would be a SPOF.
The minimum requirements are described in the following following table
For Example :
log_archive_dest_2='service=red LWGR SYNC AFFIRM'
Finally the protection mode will be changed from its default of Maximum Performance to Maximum Protection.The protection modes run in the order from highest (most data protection) to the lowest (least data protection)
Each of the Data Guard data protection modes require that at least one standby database in the configuration meet the minimum set of requirements listed in the table below.
Reference ::
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