Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Why and How to Drop Undo Tablespace ?

A condition may be occur when we have to  drop the Undo tablespace. Undo tablespace may be drop in various scenarios .In my case ,Once i have imported few tables with table_exists_action=append parameter in  database and these tables has created lots of undo's  i.e;  near about 102GB. So when we backup the database ,the backup size increases, i.e; backup consumes lots of space. Another scenario may be possible that while clonning if the undo tablespace get missed, then we can recover by just dropping the undo tablespace. Below is demo for drop and re-creating the undo tablespace. 

Step 1 : Shutdown immediate

SQL> shut immediate

Step 2 : Create pfile from spfile and edit pfile to set undo_management=manual (if it is set auto then set it to manual and if this parameter is not in pfile than set it i.e, undo_management=manual  otherwise it will consider it "auto"  management

Step 3 : Startup pfile=<modified pfile>

Step 4 : Drop undo tablespace as

SQL> drop  tablespace <undo_name> including contents and datafiles.

Step 5 : Create Undo tablespace

SQL> create undo tablespace undotbs1 datafile <location> size=100M;

Step 6 : Shutdown the database and edit pfile to reset  "undo_management=AUTO"

Step 7 : create spfile from pfile

SQL> create spfile from pfile=<pfile_location>

Step 8 : Startup the database

SQL> startup 

Enjoy   :-) 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Differences Between Dedicated Servers, Shared Servers, and Database Resident Connection Pooling

Oracle  creates  server  processes  to  handle  the requests  of  user  processes connected  to  an  instance. A  server process can be either a dedicated server process, where one server process services only one user process, or if  our database server is configured for shared server, it can be a shared server process, where a server process can service multiple user processes . Let's have a look

Dedicated Servers:  
1.)  When a client request is received, a new server process and a session are created for the client.
2.)  Releasing database resources involves terminating the session and server process
3.)  Memory requirement is proportional to the number of server processes and sessions. There is one server and one session for each client.
4.)  Session memory is allocated from the PGA.

Shared Servers : 
1.) When the first request is received  from  a client, the  Dispatcher  process places this request on a common  queue. The request is picked up by an available shared server process. The Dispatcher process then manages the communication between the client and the shared server process.
2.) Releasing database resources involves terminating the session
3.) Memory requirement is proportional to the sum of the shared servers and sessions. There is one session for each client.
4.) Session memory is allocated from the SGA.

Database Resident Connection Pooling : 
1.)  When the first request is received from a client, the Connection Broker picks an available pooled server and hands off the client connection to the pooled server.  If no pooled servers are available, the Connection Broker creates one.If the pool has reached its maximum size, the client request is placed onthe wait queue until a pooled server is available.
2.)  Releasing database resources involves releasing the pooled server to the pool.
3.) Memory requirement is proportional to the number of pooled servers and their sessions.There is one session for each pooled server.
4.) Session memory is allocated from the PGA.

Example of Memory Usage for Dedicated Server, Shared Server, and Database Resident Connection Pooling :
Consider an application in which the memory required for each session is 400 KB and the memory required for each server process is 4 MB. The pool size is 100 and the number of shared servers used is 100.If there are 5000 client connections, the memory used by each configuration is as  follows:

Dedicated Server 
Memory used = 5000 X (400 KB + 4 MB) = 22 GB

Shared Server 
Memory used = 5000 X 400 KB + 100 X 4 MB = 2.5 GB
Out of the 2.5 GB, 2 GB is allocated from the SGA.

Database Resident Connection Pooling 
Memory used = 100 X (400 KB + 4 MB) + (5000 X 35KB)= 615 MB
where 35KB is used for others operation

Enjoy    :-)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

All About Temporary Tablespace Part IV

Monitoring Temporary Space Usage :
We can monitor temporary space usage in the database in real time. At any given time, Oracle can tell us about all of the database’s temporary tablespaces, sort space usage on a session basis, and sort space usage on a statement basis. All of this information is available from v$ views, and the queries shown in this section can be run by any database user with DBA privileges.

Temporary Segments :
The following query displays information about all sort segments in the database. (As a reminder, we use the term “sort segment” to refer to a temporary segment in a temporary tablespace.) Typically, Oracle will create a new sort segment the very first time a sort to disk occurs in a new temporary tablespace. The sort segment will grow as needed, but it will not shrink and will not go away after all sorts to disk are completed. A database with one temporary tablespace will typically have just one sort segment.

SQL> SELECT A.tablespace_name tablespace, D.mb_total,SUM (A.used_blocks * D.block_size) / 1024 / 1024 mb_used,D.mb_total - SUM (A.used_blocks * D.block_size) / 1024 / 1024 mb_free FROM v$sort_segment A,(SELECT, C.block_size, SUM (C.bytes) / 1024 / 1024 mb_total FROM v$tablespace B, v$tempfile C WHERE B.ts#= C.ts# GROUP BY, C.block_size ) D 
WHERE A.tablespace_name = GROUP by A.tablespace_name, D.mb_total; 

The query displays for each sort segment in the database the tablespace the segment resides in, the size of the tablespace, the amount of space within the sort segment that is currently in use, and the amount of space available. Sample output from this query is as follows:

-----------                ------------          ------------         ---------
TEMP                     10000                   9                    9991

This example shows that there is one sort segment in a 10,000 Mb tablespace called TEMP. Right now, 9 Mb of the sort segment is in use, leaving a total of 9,991 Mb available for additional sort operations. (Note that the available space may consist of unused blocks within the sort segment, unallocated extents in the TEMP tablespace, or a combination of the two.)

Sort Space Usage by Session :
The following query displays information about each database session that is using space in a sort segment. Although one session may have many sort operations active at once, this query summarizes the information by session. 

SQL> SELECT S.sid || ',' || S.serial# sid_serial, S.username, S.osuser, P.spid, S.module, S.program, SUM (T.blocks)* TBS.block_size/1024/1024 mb_used, T.tablespace, COUNT(*) sort_ops FROM v$sort_usage T, v$session S, dba_tablespaces TBS, v$process P WHERE T.session_addr = S.saddr  AND S.paddr = P.addr AND T.tablespace = TBS.tablespace_name GROUP BY S.sid, S.serial#, S.username, S.osuser, P.spid, S.module, S.program, TBS.block_size, T.tablespace  ORDER BY sid_serial;

The query displays information about each database session that is using space in a sort segment, along with the amount of sort space and the temporary tablespace being used, and the number of sort operations in that session that are using sort space.Sample output from this query is as follows: 

----------   -------- ------ ---- ------ --------- ------- ---------- --------
33,16998    RPK_APP    rpk  3061   inv   httpd@db1    9       TEMP       2

This example shows that there is one database session using sort segment space. Session 33 with serial number 16998 is connected to the database as the RPK_APP user. The connection was initiated by the httpd@db1 process running under the rpk operating system user, and the Oracle server process has operating system process ID 3061. The application has identified itself to the database as module “inv.” The session has two active sort operations that are using a total of 9 Mb of sort segment space in the TEMP tablespace.

Sort Space Usage by Statement :
The following query displays information about each statement that is using space in a sort segment.

SQL> SELECT S.sid || ',' || S.serial# sid_serial, S.username, T.blocks * TBS.block_size / 1024 / 1024 mb_used, T.tablespace, T.sqladdr address, Q.hash_value, Q.sql_text FROM v$sort_usage T, v$session S, v$sqlarea Q, dba_tablespaces TBS WHERE T.session_addr = S.saddr AND T.sqladdr = Q.address (+) AND T.tablespace = TBS.tablespace_name ORDER BY S.sid ;

The query displays information about each statement using space in a sort segment,including information about the database session that issued the statement and the temporary tablespace and amount of sort space being used. 

Conclusion : 
When an operation such as a sort, hash, or global temporary table instantiation is too large to fit in memory, Oracle allocates space in a temporary tablespace for intermediate data to be written to disk. Temporary tablespaces are a shared resource in the database, and we can’t set quotas to limit temporary space used by one session or database user. If a sort operation runs out of space, the statement initiating the sort will fail. It may only take one query missing part of its WHERE clause to fill an entire temporary tablespace and cause many users to encounter failure because the temporary tablespace is full. It is easy to detect when failures have occurred in the database due to a lack of temporary space. With the setting of a simple diagnostic event, it is also easy to see the exact text of each statement that fails for this reason. There are also v$ views that DBAs can query at any time to monitor temporary tablespace usage in real time. These views make it possible to identify usage at the database, session, and even statement level. Oracle DBAs can use the techniques outlined in this paper to diagnose temporary tablespace problems and monitor sorting activity in a proactive way.
(Ref : Roger Schrag Database Specialists )

Enjoy    :-) 

All About Temporary Tablespace Part III

How DBA determines and handle the database when temporary tablespace running out of space.  Here,we have two techniques to find how space in temporaray tablespace is being used :

1.) Direct Oracle to log every statement that fails for lack of temporary space.
2.) A set of queries to run at any time to capture in real time how temporary space is currently being used on a per-session or per-statement basis.

Identifying SQL Statements that Fail Due to Lack of Temporary Space :
It is helpful that Oracle logs ORA-1652 errors to the instance alert log as it informs a DBA that there is a space issue. The error message includes the name of the tablespace in which the lack of space occurred, and a DBA can use this information to determine if the problem is related to sort segments in a temporary tablespace or if there is a different kind of space allocation problem.

Unfortunately, Oracle does not identify the text of the SQL statement that failed. However, Oracle does have a diagnostic event mechanism that can be used to give us more information whenever an ORA-1652 error occurs by causing Oracle server processes to write to a trace file. This trace file will contain a wealth of information,including the exact text of the SQL statement that was being processed at the time that the ORA-1652 error occurred. 

We can set a diagnostic event for the ORA-1652 error in our individual database session with the following statement:

SQL> alter session set events  '1652 trace name errorstack';

We can also set diagnostic events in another session (without affecting all sessions instance-wide) by using the “oradebug event” command in SQL*Plus.We can deactivate the ORA-1652 diagnostic event or remove all diagnostic event settings from the server parameter file with statements such as the following:

SQL> alter session set events '1652 trace name context off';

If a SQL statement fails due to lack of space in the temporary tablespace and the ORA-1652 diagnostic event has been activated, then the Oracle server process that encountered the error will write a trace file to the directory specified by the user_dump_dest instance parameter. 

The top portion of a sample trace file is as follows

*** ACTION NAME:() 2011-09-17 17:21:14.871
*** MODULE NAME:(SQL*Plus) 2011-09-17 17:21:14.871
*** SERVICE NAME:(SYS$USERS) 2011-09-17 17:21:14.871
*** SESSION ID:(130.13512) 2011-09-17 17:21:14.871
*** 2011-09-17 17:21:14.871
ksedmp: internal or fatal error
ORA-01652: unable to extend temp segment by 128 in tablespace TEMP
Current SQL statement for this session:

From the trace file we can clearly see the full text of the SQL statement that failed. It is important to note that the statements captured in trace files with this method may not themselves be the cause of space issues in the temporary tablespace. For example, one query could run successfully and consume 99.9% of the temporary tablespace due to a Cartesian product, while a second query fails when trying to allocate just a small amount of sort space. The second query is the one that will get captured in a trace file, while the first query is more likely to be the root cause of the problem.

All About Temporary Tablespace Part II

Oracle sorting Basics
As we know there are different cases where oracle sorts data .Oracle session sorts the data in memory.If the amount of data being sorted is small enough, the entire sort will be completed in memory with no intermediate data written to disk.When Oracle needs to store data in a global temporary table or build a hash table for a hash join, Oracle also starts the operation in memory and completes the task without writing to disk if the amount of data involved is small enough.

If an operation uses up a threshold amount of memory, then Oracle breaks the operation into smaller ones that can each be performed in memory. Partial results are written to disk in a temporary tablespace. The threshold for how much memory may be used by any one session is controlled by instance parameters. If the  workarea_size_policy parameter is set to AUTO, then the pga_aggregate_target parameter indicates how much memory can be used collectively by all sessions for activities such as sorting and hashing. Oracle will automatically assess and decide how much of this memory any individual session should be allowed to use. If the workarea_size_policy parameter is set to MANUAL, then instance parameters such as sort_area_size, hash_area_size, and bitmap_merge_area_size dictate how much memory each session can use for these operations. Each database user has a temporary tablespace designated in their user definition(check through dba_users view) . Whenever a sort operation grows too large to be performed entirely in memory, Oracle will allocate space in the temporary tablespace designated for the user performing the operation. 

Temporary segments in temporary tablespaces which we will call “sort segments”— are owned by the SYS user, not the database user performing a sort operation. There typically is just one sort segment per temporary tablespace, because multiple sessions can share space in one sort segment. Users do not need to have quota on the temporary tablespace in order to perform sorts on disk. Temporary tablespaces can only hold sort segments. Oracle’s internal behavior is optimized for this fact. For example, writes to a sort segment do not generate redo or undo. Also, allocations of sort segment blocks to a specific session do not need to be recorded in the data dictionary or a file allocation bitmap. Why? Because data in a temporary tablespace does not need to persist beyond the life of the database session that created it.

One SQL statement can cause multiple sort operations, and one database session can have multiple SQL statements active at the same time—each potentially with multiple sorts to disk. When the results of a sort to disk are no longer needed, its blocks in the sort segment are marked as no longer in use and can be allocated to another sort operation.A sort operation will fail if a sort to disk needs more disk space and there are 
1.) No unused blocks in the sort segment,and
2.) No space available in the temporary tablespace for the sort segment to allocate an additional extent.

This will most likely cause the statement that prompted the sort to fail with the Oracle error, “ORA-1652: unable to extend temp segment.” This error message also gets logged in the alert log for the instance.It is important to note that not all ORA-1652 errors indicate temporary tablespace issues. For example, moving a table to a different tablespace with the ALTER TABLE…MOVE statement will cause an ORA-1652 error if the target tablespace does not have enough space for the table.

Temporary tablespaces will appear full after a while in a normally running database. Extents are not de-allocated after being used. Rather it would be managed internally and reused. This is normal and to be expected and is not an indication that we do not have any temporary space. If we are not encountering any issue/error related to TEMP then we don't need to worry about this.

There is no quick way or scientific approach to calculate the required TEMP tablespace size. The only way to estimate the required TEMP tablespace size is regressive testing.The information inside the temporay segment gets released, not the segment itself.

Click Here for Next Part III