Monday, April 25, 2011


This is a step by step Oracle Installation , which will helps in  installation of Oracle 10g on RHEL 5.1 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.1)  32-bit architecture.

Step  1 :  The first thing we need to verify is  the hardware for an Oracle 10g Installation.

  Ø           Check Physical RAM.
                # grep  MemTotal   /proc/meminfo
                   MemTotal :      2075424 kB
 We need at least 1024 MB of physical RAM.  In my case I have 2048 MB.

Ø           Check Swap Space.
              # grep  SwapTotal    /proc/meminfo
                      SwapTotal:     3148732 kB
The following is Oracle's requirement for swap space:
Available RAMSwap Space Required
Between 1 GB and 2 GB1.5 or 2  times the size of RAM
Between 2 GB and 8 GBEqual to the size of RAM
More than 8 GB.75 times the size of RAM
Ø       Check space available in /tmp
           # df  -h  /tmp
              Filesystem            Size     Used         Avail     Use%     Mounted on
              /dev/sda5             1.5G     35M         1.4G      3% /        tmp
We need to have at least 400 MB of space in the /tmp directory.  Make sure we have 400MB in the column "Avail" in the above output.
  In my case I have 1.4G space available in /tmp.

Ø    Check space for Oracle Software and pre-configured database.
 I have created a separate partition "/u01" for Oracle Software  and database files.
             # df -h /u01
               Filesystem            Size        Used        Avail    Use%   Mounted on
               /dev/sda2              15G     166M         14G       2%        /u01

I  have 14G available space on the partition /u01.  Space requirement for Oracle Software:
     Enterprise Edition         2.5G
     Standard Edition           2.3G
     Custom (maximum)      3G

Once all hardware requirements are verified, we will proceed with further configuration.Make sure that there is an entry in /etc/hosts file for your machine like this:
[IP-address]   [fully-qualified-machine-name]   [machine-name]
Where "fully-qualified-machine-name" is your  "machine_name"."domain_name"

Step 2 :  Before start installing Oracle10g software, make sure that we have the below packages installed on our Linux box,  else we will get error(s) during the installation process.

Execute the below comand as root to make sure that we have this rpms installed. If not installed, then download them  from appropriate linux site. For example ,
# rpm -qa  | grep glib*
The above command will display all the installed packages, name starting with  glib,  similarly we can check for all others packages .

If any of the above packages are  not installed, run the following command:
# rpm -ivh </path/to/><version>.i386.rpm
we will find the  package from the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 DVD .

Step 3 : Create user for Installation  :
We need  OS  “oracle”  user account created which owns the Oracle software. Oracle Software installation needs to be proceeds by this account for installing and managing. We do not need oinstall group if we are not installing on the production server or we (or our team) are the only person responsible for future installations/upgrades of Oracle Software. Members of the dba group can administer Oracle databases, for example starting up and shutting down databases. The oinstall group is often needed for those organizations who have separate groups that maintain the software and the database. In this scenario, the group membership prevents unauthorized access to the database by personnel who maintain the software, and it prevents the database administrators from making changes to the software and the installations inventory directory.

 # su -
#  groupadd dba
# groupadd oinstall
# useradd -g oinstall -G dba oracle
# passwd oracle
<<Enter password>>

Step 4:    Setting System parameters
Kernel Parameters : Oracle recommends that we set shared memory segment attributes as well as semaphores to the following values. If not set, database instance creation will fail.. Every OS process needs semaphore where It waits on for the resources. I added the following lines to /etc/sysctl.conf file. For more about the kernel parameter click here
Add/change the appropriate variables value in the   /etc/sysctl.conf  file as shown below.

kernel.shmall = 2097152
kernel.shmmax = 2147483648
kernel.shmmni = 4096
kernel.sem = 250 32000 100 128
fs.file-max = 65536
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1024 65000
net.core.rmem_default = 262144
net.core.rmem_max = 262144
net.core.wmem_default = 262144
net.core.wmem_max = 262144
After adding these lines to /etc/sysctl.conf, run the below command as root to make them enabled.
 #  sysctl  -p

Step 4: Edit the /etc/pam.d/login file and add following line
session required

Step 5:   Edit the /etc/security/limits.conf file
To improve the performance of the software on Linux systems, we must increase the following shell limits  for the oracle user .Add the following lines to the /etc/security/limits.conf file:
oracle    soft  nproc  2047
oracle    hard  nproc  16384
oracle    soft  nofile  1024
oracle    hard  nofile  65536
Where "nproc" is the maximum number of processes available to the user and "nofiles" is the number of open file descriptors.

Step 6 : Creating oracle directories
As per OFA, oracle base directory has the path  : /mount_point/app/oracle_sw_owner where mount_point  is the mount point directory for the file system that will contain the Oracle software . I have used  /u01 for the mount point directory. However, we could choose another mount point directory,  such as /oracle or /opt/soft.

# mkdir  -p /u01/app/oracle
# chown  -R  oracle:oinstall  /u01/app/oracle
#mkdir  -p   /u02/oradata/db102
# chown  -R  oracle:oinstall /u02/oradata/db102
# chmod  -R  775  /u01/app/oracle
# chmod  -R  775  /u02/oradata/db102

Step  7:   Setting Oracle Enviroment
Edit the /home/oracle/.bash_profile  file and add following lines:
TMP=/tmp; export TMP
# If /tmp doesn't have 400mb space free then you can workaround it
# by pointing the variables TMP AND TMPDIR to a location where you
# have sufficient space. Oracle will then use this directory for
# temporary files.
ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle; export ORACLE_BASE
ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/10.2.0/db_1; export ORACLE_HOME
PATH=/usr/sbin:$PATH; export PATH
if [ $USER = "oracle" ]; then
      if [ $SHELL = "/bin/ksh" ]; then
                ulimit -p 16384
                ulimit -n 65536
                ulimit -u 16384 -n 65536

Step 8:   Release specification 
Oracle 10g is not certified to be installed on RHEL 5, therefore, it runs a check on the operating system when the installer starts and will bounce back with an error if the redhat release is not redhat-4 or redhat-3 etc. Open /etc/redhat-release, remove whatever release is specified over there and put this:  redhat-4.

Step 9:   Installation Process of Oracle 10g Software
#  xhost +     (access control disabled, clients can connect from any host)
# mount  /media/cdrom    (--- if u have your s/w in cd else no need of this steps ) 
# su - oracle
$ echo $ORACLE_SID
$ ./media/cdrom/runInstaller
The OUI (Oracle Universal Installer) should start and we should see graphical screens and install as per requirements.

Note:  Disable secure linux by editing the /etc/selinux/config file, making sure the SELINUX flag is set as follows:  SELINUX=disabled . If we  leave SELINUX=enforcing then we may get an error later while starting sqlplus:

Enjoy         : -) 

Automated Checkpoint Tuning (MTTR)

Determining the time to recover from an instance failure is a necessary component for reaching required service levelsagreements. For example, if service levels dictate that when a node fails, instance recovery time can be no more than 3 minutes, FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET should be set to 180.

Fast-start checkpointing refers to the periodic writes by the database writer (DBWn) processes for the purpose of writing changed data blocks from the Oracle buffer cache to disk and advancing the thread-checkpoint. Setting the database parameter FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET to a value greater than zero enables the fast-start checkpointing feature.

Fast-start checkpointing should always be enabled for the following reasons:

It reduces the time required for cache recovery, and makes instance recovery time-bounded and predictable. This is accomplished by limiting the number of dirty buffers (data blocks which have changes in memory that still need to be written to disk) and the number of redo records (changes in the database) generated between the most recent redo record and the last checkpoint.

Fast-Start checkpointing eliminates bulk writes and corresponding I/O spikes that occure traditionally with interval- based checkpoints, providing a smoother, more consistent I/O pattern that is more predictable and easier to manage. If the system is not already near or at its maximum I/O capacity, fast-start checkpointing will have a negligible impact on performance. Although fast-start checkpointing results in increased write activity, there is little reduction in database throughout, provided the system has sufficient I/O capacity.

Check-Pointing  :   Check-pointing is an important Oracle activity which records the highest system change number (SCN,) so that all data blocks less than or equal to the SCN are known to be written out to the data files. If there is a failure and then subsequent cache recovery, only the redo records containing changes at SCN(s) higher than the checkpoint need to be applied during recovery.

As we are aware, instance and crash recovery occur in two steps - cache recovery followed by transaction recovery. During the cache recovery phase, also known as the rolling forward stage, Oracle applies all committed and uncommitted changes in the redo log files to the affected data blocks. The work required for cache recovery processing is proportional to the rate of change to the database and the time between checkpoints.
Mean time to recover (MTTR)  :  Fast-start recovery can greatly reduce the mean time to recover (MTTR), with minimal effects on online application performance. Oracle continuously estimates the recovery time and automatically adjusts the check-pointing rate to meet the target recovery time.

With 10g, the Oracle database can now self-tune check-pointing to achieve good recovery times with low impact on normal throughput. We no longer have to set any checkpoint-related parameters.

This method reduces the time required for cache recovery and makes the recovery bounded and predictable by limiting the number of dirty buffers and the number of redo records generated between the most recent redo record and the last checkpoint. Administrators specify a target (bounded) time to complete the cache recovery phase of recovery with the FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET initialization parameter, and Oracle automatically varies the incremental checkpoint writes to meet that target.

The TARGET_MTTR field of V$INSTANCE_RECOVERY contains the MTTR target in effect. The ESTIMATED_MTTR field of V$INSTANCE_RECOVERY contains the estimated MTTR should a crash happen right away.

Enable MTTR advisory  : 
Enabling MTTR Advisory Enabling MTTR Advisory involves setting two parameters:


Estimate the value for FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET as follows:


-----------                                 --------------                         -----------------
        214                                12                                      269880


Whenever you set FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET to a nonzero value, then set the following parameters to 0.

Disable MTTR advisory  : 


Saturday, April 23, 2011

Oracle NLS_LANG Setting for Language/Territory/Character Set

Setting NLS_LANG tells Oracle what characterset the client is using so that  Oracle can do conversion if needed from client’s characterset to the database characterset and setting this parameter on the client does not change the client’s characterset. Setting Language and Territory in nls_lang has nothing to do with storing characters in database, it’s controlled by the characterset and of course if the database can store that characterset..Below is the syntax of setting   NLS_LANG .

NLS_LANG=<language>_<territory>.<character set>

To  check session  NLS   session  parameters,( note this doesn’t return the characterset set by NLS_LANG)

SQL> select  *   from   nls_session_parameters ;

To find the NLS_LANG of the database one can run the following SQL:
Sample Output :
NAME                             VALUE
------------          -------------------
LANGUAGE                  AMERICAN
TERRITORY                 AMERICA

Setting  NLS_LANG for export/import  :  we encounter character set conversion problems during exporting or importing a database or table(s) then we should check the following information to confirm whether the export/import procedure was performed correctly . 

When exporting/importing one can minimize risk of losing data during import/export by setting NLS_LANG.

1.)  Before starting export set  NLS_LANG to be the same character set of the database being exported which means no conversion takes place, all the data will be stored in the export file as it was stored in the database.
2.) Before starting import set NLS_LANG to be the same value as the it was set during export which means no conversion will take place in the import session, but if the character set of the target database is different the data will automatically be converted when import inserts the data in the database.
3.)  Before starting export set NLS_LANG to be the same character set of the database being imported to which means conversion takes place at this step it will automatically convert during export.
4.) Before starting import set NLS_LANG to be the same value as the it was set during import which means no conversion will take place as it was already converted during export.
5.) Settings on the machine from which u are trying to take the import of the data.Even though the NLSCHAR AND NLS NCHA Settings on the source and destination databases are same unless the console from where u are trying to take export and import also should same other wise u will get all the junk characters .
6.)  Sometimes we make import  and  get  some special character  ( like ?,! )  that means, we need to go 'region settings' and change the location (say)  ”brazil"  and default language make as   “ brazil” . (if we are importing American to brazil).
7.) check  the  export  log file and see what is specified.

Enjoy          J J J

Friday, April 22, 2011

Who is using which UNDO or TEMP segment ?

Undo tablespace is common for all the users for an instance  while temporary tablespace are assigned to users or a single default temporary tablespace is common for all users . To determine determine who is using a particular UNDO or Rollback Segment, use the bwlow query to find it .

SQL> SELECT TO_CHAR(s.sid)||','||TO_CHAR(s.serial#) sid_serial, NVL(s.username, 'None') orauser,
          s.program, undoseg , t.used_ublk * TO_NUMBER(x.value)/1024||'K' "Undo"
          FROM sys.v_$rollname  r, sys.v_$session s, sys.v_$transaction t , sys.v_$parameter x
         WHERE s.taddr = t.addr AND  r.usn= t.xidusn(+)  AND  = 'db_block_size' ;
Output  :
SID_SERIAL    ORAUSER           PROGRAM                          UNDOSEG       Undo
--------------    ------------   ---------------------------------       -----------------   -------
260,7             SCOTT   sqlplus@localhost.localdomain       _SYSSMU4$     8K

To determine the user who is using a TEMP tablespace ,then fire the below query as :

SQL> SELECT b.tablespace, ROUND(((b.blocks*p.value)/1024/1024),2)||'M' "SIZE",
           a.sid||','||a.serial# SID_SERIAL , a.username, a.program 
           FROM sys.v_$session a, sys.v_$sort_usage b, sys.v_$parameter p
           WHERE  = 'db_block_size'  AND a.saddr = b.session_addr
           ORDER BY b.tablespace, b.blocks; 
Output  :
-----------------  -------  --------------      ----------------    --------------------------------
TEMP               24M       260,7                SCOTT        sqlplus@localhost.localdomain

Enjoy         :-) 

How full is the current redo log file?

Here is a query that can tell us how full the current redo log file is. This is useful  when we  need to predict when the next log file will be archived out.

SQL> SELECT le.leseq                      "Current log sequence No",
          100*cp.cpodr_bno/le.lesiz         "Percent Full",
           cp.cpodr_bno                            "Current Block No",
           le.lesiz                                       "Size of Log in Blocks"
           FROM   x$kcccp  cp,    x$kccle  le
           WHERE    le.leseq =CP.cpodr_seq
           AND  bitand(le.leflg,24) = 8 ;

Sample Output :
Current log sequence No      Percent Full        Current Block No         Size of Log in Blocks
-----------------------                -------------           -----------------             ---------------------
                  7                       18.1982422               18635                        102400

Enjoy   J J J