Monday, October 17, 2011

Data Protection Mode In Data Guard

Data Guard protection modes are simply a set of rules that the primary database must adhere to when running in a Data Guard configuration. A protection mode is only set on the primary database and defines the way Oracle Data Guard will maximize a Data Guard configuration for performance, availability, or protection in order to achieve the maximum amount of allowed data loss that can occur when the primary database or site fails

A Data Guard configuration will always run in one of the three protection modes listed above. Each of the three modes provide a high degree of data protection; however they differ with regards to data availability and performance of the primary database. When selecting a protection mode, always consider the one that best meets the needs of your business. Carefully take into account the need to protect the data against any loss vs. availability and performance expectations of the primary database

Data Guard can support multiple standby databases in a single configuration, they may or may not have the same protection mode settings depending on our requirements. The protection modes are 

1.) Maximum Performance  
2.) Maximum Availability    
3.) Maximum Protection      

1.)  Maximum Performance    This is the default mode, we get the highest performance but the lowest protection. This mode requires ASYNC redo transport so that the LGWR process never waits for acknowledgment from  the standby database for maximum performance.How much data we lose depends on the redo rate and how well our network can handle the amount of redo also known as transport lag. Even if we have a zero lag time we still will lose some data at fail-over time .

We can have up to 9 physical standby database in oracle 10g and 30 in oracle 11g and we will use the Asynchronous transport (ASYNC) with no affirmation of the standby I/O (NOAFFIRM). We can use this anywhere in the world but bear in mind the network latency and making sure it can support our redo rate .While it is not mandatory to have standby redo logs (SRL) in this mode, it is advise to do so. The SRL files need to be the same size as the online redo log files (ORL) . 

The following table describes the attributes that should be defined for the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n initialization parameter for the standby database destination to participate in Maximum Performance mode. 
For example :   log_archive_dest_2='service=res ARCH  NOAFFIRM'        or
                       log_archive_dest_2='service=red LGWR ASYNC NOAFFIRM'

2.)  Maximum Availability   : Its first priority is to be available and  its second priority is zero loss protection, thus it requires the SYNC redo transport. This is the middle middle of the range, it offers maximum protection but not at the expense of causing problems with the primary database. However we must remember that it is possible to lose data, if our network was out for a period of time and the standby has not had a chance to re-synchronize and the primary went down then there will be data loss.

Again we can have up to  9 physical standby database in oracle 10g and 30 in oracle 11g  and we will use Synchronous transport (SYNC) with affirmation of the standby I/O (AFFIRM) and SRL files. In the event that the standby server is unavailable the primary will wait the specified time in the NET_TIMEOUT parameter before giving up on the standby server and allowing the primary to continue to process. Once the connection has been re-established the primary will automatically resynchronize the standby database.

When the NET_TIMEOUT expires the LGWR process disconnects from the LNS process, acknowledges the commit and proceeds without the standby, processing continues until the current ORL is complete and the LGWR cycles into a new ORL, a new LNS process is started and an attempt to connect to the standby server is made, if it succeeds the new ORL is sent as normal, if not then LGWR disconnects again until the next log switch, the whole process keeps repeating at every log switch, hopefully the standby database will become available at some point in time. Also in the background if we remember if any archive logs have been created during this time the ARCH process will continually ping the standby database waiting until it come online.

We might have noticed there is a potential loss of data if the primary goes down and the standby database has also been down for a period of time and here has been no resynchronization, this is similar to Maximum Performance but we do give the standby server a chance to respond using the timeout. The minimum requirements are described in the following table : 

For example  :   log_archive_dest_2='services=red LGWR SYNC AFFIRM

3.) Maximum Protection   : This offers the maximum protection even at the expense of the primary database, there is no data loss.  This mode uses the SYNC redo transport and the primary will not issue a commit acknowledgment to the application unless it receives an acknowledgment from at least one standby database, basically the primary will stall and eventually abort preventing any unprotected commits from occurring. This guarantees complete data protection, in this setup it is advised to have two separate standby databases at different locations with no Single Point Of Failures (SPOF's), they should not use the same network infrastructure as this would be a SPOF.

The minimum requirements are described in the following following table

For Example :   log_archive_dest_2='service=red LWGR SYNC AFFIRM'

Finally the protection mode will be changed from its default of Maximum Performance to Maximum Protection.The protection modes run in the order from highest (most data protection) to the lowest (least data protection)

Each of the Data Guard data protection modes require that at least one standby database in the configuration meet the minimum set of requirements listed in the table below.

Reference  ::

For more detail   Click Here

Enjoy    :-) 

Data Guard Architecture Oracle 11g Part-III

The redo data transmitted from the primary database is written to the standby redo log on the standby database. Apply services automatically apply the redo data on the standby database to maintain consistency with the primary database. It also allows read-only access to the data.The main difference between physical and logical standby databases is the manner in which apply services apply the archived redo data.

There are two methods in which to apply redo  i.e,
1.)  Redo Apply (physical standby)     and
2.) SQL Apply   (logical standby).

They both have the same common features:
  • Both synchronize the primary database
  • Both can prevent modifications to the data
  • Both provide a high degree of isolation between the primary and the standby database
  • Both can quick transition the standby database into the primary database
  • Both offer a productive use of the standby database which will have no impact on the primary database

1.) Redo Apply (Physical Standby) :  Redo apply is basically a block-by-block physical replica of the primary database, redo apply uses media recovery to read records from the SRL into memory and apply change vectors directly to the standby database. Media recovery does parallel recovery for very high performance, it comprises a media recovery coordinator (MRP0) and multiple parallel apply rocesses(PR0?). The coordinator manages the recovery session, merges the redo by SCN from multiple instances (if in a RAC environment) and parses redo into change mappings partitioned by the apply process. The apply processes read data blocks, assemble redo changes from mappings and then apply redo changes to the data blocks.

This method allows us to be able to use the standby database in a read-only fashion, Active Data Guard solves the read consistency problem in previous releases by the use of a "query" SCN. The media recovery process on the standby database advances the query SCN after all dependant changes in a transaction have been fully applied. The query SCN is exposed to the user via the current_scn column of the v$databaseview  Read-only use will only be able to see data up to the query SCN and thus the standby database can be open in read-only mode while the media recovery is active, which make this an ideal reporting database.

We can use SYNC or ASYNC and is isolated from I/O physical corruptions, corruption-detections checks occur at the following key interfaces:

On the primary during redo transport - LGWR, LNS, ARCH use the DB_UTRA_SAFE parameter
On the standby during redo apply       - RFS, ARCH, MRP, DBWR use the DB_BLOCK_CHECKSUM and DB_LOST_WRITE_PROTECT parameters .

If Data Guard detects any corruption it will automatically fetch new copies of the data from the primary using gap resolution process in the hope of that the original data is free of corruption.The key features of this solution are
  • Complete application and data transparency - no data type or other restrictions
  • Very high performance, least managed complexity and fewest moving parts
  • End-to-end validation before applying, including corruptions due to lost writes
  • Able to be utilized for up-to-date read-only queries and reporting while providing DR
  • Able to execute rolling database upgrades beginning with Oracle Database 11g 

2.) SQL Apply (Logical Standby)  SQL apply uses the logical standby process (LSP) to coordinate the apply of changes to the standby database. SQL apply requires more processing than redo apply, the processes that make up SQL apply, read the SRL and "mine" the redo by converting it to logical change records and then building SQL transactions and applying SQL to the standby database and because there are more moving parts it requires more CPU, memory and I/O then redo apply .

SQL apply does not support all data types, such as XML in object relational format and Oracle supplied types such as Oracle spatial, Oracle inter-media and Oracle text .

The benefits to SQL apply is that the database is open to read-write while apply is active, while we can not make any changes to the replica data we can insert, modify and delete data from local tables and schemas that have been added to the database, we can even create materialized views and local indexes. This makes it ideal for reporting tools, etc to be used.

The key features of this solution are :
  • A standby database that is opened for read-write while SQL apply is active
  • A guard setting that prevents the modification of data that is being maintained by the SQL apply
  • Able to execute rolling database upgrades beginning with Oracle Database 11g using the KEEP IDENTITY clause

Click Here for Data Guard Architecture Oracle 11g Part-IV

Enjoy    :-)

Data Guard Architecture Oracle 11g Part-II

LNS (log-write network-server) and ARCH (archiver) processes running on the primary database select archived redo logs and send them to the standby database, where the RFS (remote file server) background process within the Oracle instance performs the task of receiving archived redo-logs originating from the primary database .

The LNS process support two modes  as
1.) Synchronous    and
2.) Asynchronous.

1.) Synchronous Mode :  Synchronous transport (SYNC) is also referred to as "zero data loss" method because the LGWR is not allowed to acknowledge a commit has succeeded until the LNS can confirm that the redo needed to recover the transaction has been written at the standby site. In the below diagram, the phases of a transaction are

The user commits a transaction creating a redo record in the SGA, the LGWR reads the redo record from the log buffer and writes it to the online redo log file and waits for confirmation from the LNS. The LNS reads the same redo record from the buffer and transmits it to the standby database using Oracle Net Services, the RFS receives the redo at the standby database and writes it to the SRL. When the RFS receives a write complete from the disk, it transmits an acknowledgment back to the LNS process on the primary database which in turns notifies the LGWR that the transmission is complete, the LGWR then sends a commit acknowledgment to the user.

This setup really does depend on network performance and can have a dramatic impact on the primary databases, low latency on the network will have a big impact on response times. The impact can be seen in the wait event "LNS wait on SENDREQ" found in the v$system_event dynamic performance view.

2.) Asynchronous  ModeAsynchronous transport (ASYNC) is different from SYNC in that it eliminates the requirement that the LGWR waits for a acknowledgment from the LNS, creating a "near zero" performance on the primary database regardless of distance between the primary and the standby locations. The LGWR will continue to acknowledge commit success even if the bandwidth prevents the redo of previous transaction from being sent to the standby database immediately. If the LNS is unable to keep pace and the log buffer is recycled before the redo is sent to the standby, the LNS automatically transitions to reading and sending from the log file instead of the log buffer in the SGA. Once the LNS has caught up it then switches back to reading directly from the buffer in the SGA .

The log buffer ratio is tracked via the view X$LOGBUF_READHIST a low hit ratio indicates that the LNS is reading from the log file instead of the log buffer, if this happens try increasing the log buffer size.

The drawback with ASYNC is the increased potential for data loss, if a failure destroys the primary database before the transport lag is reduced to zero, any committed transactions that are part of the transport lag are lost. So again make sure that the network bandwidth is adequate and that get the lowest latency possible.

A log file gap occurs whenever a primary database continues to commit transactions while the LNS process has ceased transmitting redo to the standby database (network issues). The primary database continues writing to the current log file, fills it, and then switches to a new log file, then archiving kicks in and archives the file, before we know it there are a number of archive and log files that need to be processed by the the LNS basically creating a large log file gap.

Data Guard uses an ARCH process on the primary database to continuously ping the standby database during the outage, when the standby database eventually comes back, the ARCH process queries the standby control file (via the RFS process) to determine the last complete log file that the standby received from the primary. The ARCH process will then transmit the missing files to the standby database using additional ARCH processes, at the very next log switch the LNS will attempt and succeed in making a connection to the standby database and will begin transmitting the current redo while the ACH processes resolve the gap in the background. Once the standby apply process is able to catch up to the current redo logs the apply process automatically transitions out of reading the archive redo logs and into reading the current SRL. The whole process can be seen in the diagram below  :

Click Here for Data Guard Architecture Oracle 11g Part-III

Enjoy      :-)